Reality Vs Fiction

Unrealistic expectation often leads to discrepancy between the patient and doctor. H. T is procedure to cover your bald area . It should lead to almost natural look. Natural God given density is 90 to 100/cm2. The density that can be provided with the hair transplant by the experienced surgeon is around 50 to 60/cm2. This density gives you a good aesthetic look. But in reality it is the half of the normal density. So it has to be explained the patient before hand. Some times due to lack of donor area the density achieved may be less. Some times patients has to use hair fiber to camouflage. At times multiple sessions required to achieve desired density. The second thing the number of grafts/hair. Different surgeons have different opinion and different counting pattern. Usually to cover front half of the scalp we need around 5,000 to 6,000 grafts, that is equal to 10,000 hairs. For harvesting 5000 to 6000 grafts we need body hairs also. As from back of the scalp we can maximum 2500 to 3000 grafts. (5000 hairs around). Patient should be explained before hand for all these points.
Conclusion: Hair growth varies from patient to patient, multiple sessions are required for achieving good density. As no two human’s are same ,the result of two different patients can not be compared.

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